Rumours abound that the FA's executive board, upon which RS fan Brian Barwick does not have a vote have decided to uphold the integrity of the Premier League and the value of 4th place.
This decision (if indeed that is the way they go) will no doubt be aided by the real possibility of Everton taking legal action should they be excluded from the competition. Liverpool would have no such course available too them as there is no rule stating that the winners of the European Cup have to be allowed to defend their crown, whereas removing the 4th place team would amount to a change in the rules mid way through a season, which is not generally considered firm legal ground.
The possibility remains that a 5th place may be found for the RS, but this looks unlikely.
An FA spokesman said: "We have made our request for an additional place should the situation arise. It is UEFA's competition and we are awaiting their response."